Why Is PowerShell So Popular for Attackers? All About PowerShell Attacks

PowerShell, a powerful scripting language and automation framework developed by Microsoft, has become increasingly popular among both IT professionals and cyber attackers. While PowerShell’s legitimate use cases are vast and beneficial for system administrators, its versatility and ease of use have also made it a favourite tool for malicious actors. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind the popularity of PowerShell among attackers and the challenges it poses to cybersecurity professionals.

1. Native to Windows

One of the primary reasons for PowerShell’s popularity among attackers is that it comes pre-installed on most Windows systems. This means that attackers can leverage PowerShell without needing to download or install any additional tools, making it an attractive choice for stealthy operations.

2. Versatile and Powerful

PowerShell’s versatility and power are valuable assets for both administrators and attackers. It provides a wide range of functionalities, including system management, network administration, and process automation. Attackers can use PowerShell to perform a variety of tasks, such as executing malicious code, accessing system resources, and even moving laterally within a network.

3. Bypasses Traditional Security Measures

PowerShell scripts often bypass traditional security measures because they run directly in memory, leaving little to no traces on the disk. This characteristic makes it challenging for antivirus software and endpoint detection and response (EDR) tools to detect and block malicious activities.

4. Obfuscation and Evasion Techniques

Attackers frequently employ obfuscation and evasion techniques to hide their malicious PowerShell scripts. This involves encoding or encrypting the script to make it more difficult for security solutions to analyze or detect. These techniques can include base64 encoding, string manipulation, and random variable names, among others.

5. Living off the Land

PowerShell is a living-off-the-land tool, meaning it relies on legitimate system utilities and processes to carry out malicious activities. Attackers can abuse PowerShell to execute commands or run scripts that blend in with normal network traffic, making it challenging for defenders to distinguish between legitimate and malicious activities.

6. Fileless Attacks

PowerShell is often used in fileless attacks, where malware operates entirely in memory without leaving any files on disk. This technique is highly effective at evading traditional antivirus solutions, as there are no files to scan or quarantine.

7. Phishing and Social Engineering

Attackers often deliver malicious PowerShell scripts through phishing emails or social engineering tactics. Unsuspecting users may unwittingly run these scripts, allowing attackers to gain a foothold in the target network.

8. Post-Exploitation Tool

Once attackers gain access to a system, they frequently use PowerShell for post-exploitation tasks. This can include privilege escalation, lateral movement, data exfiltration, and maintaining persistence on compromised systems.

PowerShell and its Significance in the World of Technology

First, it is imperative to understand the importance and use cases of this task automation and configuration management tool developed by Microsoft. As an open-source solution, PowerShell can be installed on various platforms including Windows, macOS, and Linux systems. Based on the .NET framework, PowerShell helps to automate and solve tedious administrative tasks, thus reducing human intervention within IT processes.

IT and Cybersecurity professionals such as security engineers and system administrators use PowerShell for various purposes; for example, PowerShell allows a user to implement automated security solutions that are dependent on specific services running on multiple servers. This saves processing time and allows the user to focus on other IT requirements. Overall, PowerShell enables users to complete multiple system tasks within minutes when compared with manual and labour-intensive deployments.

How to thwart PowerShell attacks

There are several methods to detect and prevent PowerShell cyberattacks:

  • Restrict PowerShell Usage: Organizations can restrict PowerShell usage to only authorized users and scripts signed by trusted publishers.
  • Implement PowerShell Logging and Monitoring: PowerShell generates detailed logs that can help detect suspicious activity. Organizations can enable PowerShell logging and monitor the logs for unusual activity, such as the execution of suspicious commands or scripts.
  • Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR): EDR solutions monitor system activity and detect suspicious PowerShell activity, such as the execution of known malicious commands or scripts.
  • Apply Software Updates and Patches: Software updates and patches can remediate many PowerShell vulnerabilities. Companies should ensure that all systems are up-to-date with the latest security patches and updates to fix known PowerShell vulnerabilities.
  • Implement network segmentation: Network segmentation can limit the impact of a PowerShell attack by restricting the intruder’s ability to move laterally within the network and access sensitive systems and data.
  • Threat intelligence: Threat intelligence can provide information on known PowerShell-based attacks and indicators of compromise (IOCs). This can be used to detect and block attacks before they can cause damage.

Behavioral analysis vs. PowerShell attacks

Behavioural analysis and anomaly detection can also be effective in detecting PowerShell-based attacks. These techniques focus on monitoring system behaviour and detecting deviations from normal behaviour patterns, which can indicate the presence of an intruder using PowerShell.

Behavioural analysis involves creating a baseline of normal system behaviour and monitoring the system for any deviations from this baseline. This can involve monitoring user activity, network traffic and system processes to detect unusual behaviour that may be indicative of an attack.

Anomaly detection involves using machine learning algorithms to detect unusual activity on the system. These algorithms can identify patterns in system activity and alert security teams to any deviations from these patterns. This can help detect PowerShell cyberattacks that involve unusual patterns of system activity.

Should PowerShell be disabled?

Experts advise against disabling PowerShell as it is a useful command-line interface for Windows. PowerShell can help with forensics, incident response and automating desktop tasks, according to joint advice from the National Security Agency and CISA.

The U.S. Department of Defense also advises against removing PowerShell. As per the DoD, blocking the interface hinders the defensive capabilities that current versions of PowerShell can provide. Removing it also prevents components of Windows from running properly.

While PowerShell is a useful tool, it is also the number one technique attackers use to carry out LOTL attacks. Organizations should be aware of the risks associated with PowerShell and take steps to protect their systems against these types of attacks.


PowerShell’s widespread adoption among IT professionals has also made it an attractive choice for cyber attackers. Its versatility, native integration into Windows, and ability to bypass traditional security measures have contributed to its popularity in malicious operations. As PowerShell continues to evolve, defenders must stay vigilant and adopt advanced security measures to detect and mitigate the risks associated with its misuse. This includes monitoring PowerShell activity, implementing script execution policies, and educating users about the dangers of running unknown scripts, especially from untrusted sources.